Reporter Information: Occupatoin: General PhysicianNursePharmacistOther Adress: 1.Patient Details: Patient adress: Sex: MaleFemale Pregnant: YesNo Breast Feeding: YesNo 2. Suspected reaction(s): Please describe the reaction(s) and any treatment given: 3.Date reaction(s) started: 4. Duration of the reaction(s): 5. Patient history of any reaction including allergies: 6. Patient medical history: 7. Did the reaction(s) improve when the drug was discontinued? YesNoDo not know or not done 8. Did the reaction(s) reappear when the drug was readministered? YesNoDo not know or not done 9. Outcome: Not yet recoveredDisabilityDeath 10. Did the reaction(s) lead to hospitalization? YesNo 11. Paraclinic findings related to the reaction(s): 12. Suspected medicine(s): Medicine Dosage form & potency* Daily dosage Route Indication Date started Date discontinued Manufacturer Batch No. 13. Medications taken at the time of ADR: Medicine Dosage form & potency* Daily dosage Route Indication Date started Date discontinued Manufacturer Batch No. Additional relevant information: * The “potency” refers to the amount of active ingredient in the pharmaceutical dosage form (e.g. 100 mg Tablet …)